Simple Connection

The Fineo JDBC Driver has two main components.

The Driver class:

and the JDBC URL. You must also provide your API Key, either as an URL parameter, like:


Or in the Properties object, when connecting with Java.

The connection string is parsed according to OLE DB Connection String Syntax.


All requests are authenticated with AWS-style SigV4 signatures and credentials.

There are several ways that the SDK can obtain the credentials. These can be specified either in the connection URL properties or in the java Properties object.

The possible authentication methods are:

  • Simple authentication: username/password
    • property: username, password
    • Example:
      • jdbc:fineo:api_key=1234;;password=secret
      • Note: it is not recommended to pass the password as plain-text in the connection string. Instead, you should store it in the Properties or enter it in a 'hidden' style field
  • AWS Credentials -property: authentication
    • Options:
      • default
      • system
        • Load from the system properties:
          • aws.accessKeyId
          • aws.secretKey
      • env
        • Load from the environment variables:
      • static
        • sub-property: aws_key
        • sub-property: aws_secret
        • Example:
          • jdbc:fineo:api_key=1234;authentication=static;aws_key=access;aws_secret=secret
      • profile
        • sub property: profile_name=<name>
        • Loads the specified profile from the ~/.aws/credentials file

You can also provision multiple authentication types with the _OR_ separator to set a hierarchy of types. For example:

  • Load from just system properties:


  • Load from system properties or profile properties, specifying a profile name


All requests must have both an API Key and IAM User credentials.

SQL Spec

Currently, we support the same semantics as Drill SQL


To connect with JDBC, first download the JDBC driver Jar or include it via from the Fineo maven repository:


This acts as a 'thin' client to the Fineo servers, which do the heavy-lifting of the JDBC requests as a 'fat jar' containing all the necessary dependencies.

Simple connection

You might need to load the class in Java before loading the connection.


The full connection string can then be specified as described above. A full example might look like:


import java.sql.Connection;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import static java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection;

public class Example{

  public void example() throws Exception {;
    String apikey = "yourapikey1234";
    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.put("user", "");
    props.put("password", "password");
    try (Connection conn = getConnection(format("jdbc:fineo:api_key=%s", url, apikey), props)) {


You find information on tuning the client connection at our tuning guide