Welcome to the Fineo platform! With Fineo you can easily upload data from connected devices and then view that data through traditional SQL-based tools.

This guide is going to walk through connecting a simple device, creating a schema, sending data and then reading the data back. Then it will show to flexibly manage mistakes and how to evolve schema.

Creating a device

The 'Devices' tab is the first screen shown when logging into the web application. Add a new device by clicking the '+' button. The platform will generate a unique ID for each device.

create device

To finish setting up a device, enter in a name for the device and hit Save. Next add a key to the device by pressing '+’under the Keys section. You can have up to two active keys for each device.


When you create the key, an access key and secret key will be generated and displayed for the device. Store the secret key in a safe location - this is the only time that the secret will be accessible! If you lose the secret, you will need to create a new key.

Setting up a schema

While Fineo has a very flexible schema system, you still need to provide some sort of schema before sending data. Read more about schema flexibility.

To create a new schema, select Schema from the left hand navigation and then the ‘+’button in the drop down.

create schema pointer

This takes you to the schema creation page. Set the desired schema name and fields, for instance, name the schema 'schema_demo' and add two fields:

  1. name: text, type: varchar
  2. name: point, type: integer

create schema

Then press Save to create the schema.

Sending data

With the UI

You can send data through the web application, rather than from a device. This is useful for debugging and getting started.

To open the data upload section, select Data in the left hand navigation and then select Stream from the drop down menu.

send data

All data must be non-nested JSON and contain at least the target schema name under the field name "metrictype" Learn how to change that field name. Beyond that, data can be completely free-form JSON - it does not even need conform to the schema’s previously created (we will get to that shortly).

Below is an example for sending a simple data point:

  "metrictype" : "schema_demo",
  "text" : "user sent for demo",
  "point" : 1

Since this data point does not have a timestamp, one is assigned to it as the time the event is sent.

From a device

The recommended way to send data in production is to embed the Fineo SDK into your device application. However, this example leverages the command line tools to send data like a device, rather than having to build a full application. Learn more about how to use the SDK.

First, download the tools jar. Then, from the command line, send a data point as the 'device' created above using the Stream tool:

$ java -cp tools-1.1.2-exec.jar io.fineo.client.tools.Stream \
  --api-key <your api key> \
  --static-key <your device access key> \
  --static-secret <your device secret key> \
  --metric-name schema_demo
  --field text."device sent" \
  --field point.2

Find out more about the tools

Reading Data

At this point, two data points have been stored - one from the UI and one from a 'device'.

Naturally, the next step is to read that data back!

Fineo provides a standard JDBC adapter that works with any JDBC-compliant SQL tool. The most simple tool is SqlLine, a command-line based SQL interface. Fineo has created a SqlLine bundle tool that has everything you need to connected to fineo.

Download the SqlLine bundle here.

When the download has completed unpack the tarball and start itFind out more about using SqlLine with Fineo.

 $ tar -xf sqlline-1.1.10-fineo-1.2.tar.gz
 $ cd sqlline-1.1.10-fineo-1.2
 $ ./sqlline

Next, connect to Fineo:

sqlline> !connect jdbc:fineo:api_key=<your api key>

The Welcome Email should include the API Key to use here (if not, please reach out).

SqlLine then prompts for a username and password - enter your Fineo username and password.

After successfully logging in, a simple check to ensure everything works is to check the tables:

0: jdbc:fineo:api_key=123> !tables


It should include the schema created above, as well as the standard JDBC SQL tables.

Then, attempt to read all the data that was previously written:

0: jdbc:fineo:api_key=123> SELECT * FROM schema_demo;

select star

Flexible Schema

Up to here, Fineo works much like any other SQL-based time-series database. Unlike other databases, Finos also enables some 'NoSQL' like functionality to help future-proof applications, as well as decreasing risk of changes.

The easiest mistakes to make are things like forgetting to migrate the database to support a new field or misspelling a field name. Unfortunately, with conventional database management systems, this can result in data loss and/or broken features that require time consuming fixes.

Fortunately, Fineo's flexible schema support makes it as easy as clicking a button to recover that data and fix that error, without having to change your deployed application whatsoever.

Start by sending some "bad" data from the UI:

  "metrictype" : "schema_demo",
  "text" : "another user event",
  "point" : 3,
  "point2" : 10,
  "pont3": 100

This includes two fields that was not present in the 'schema_demo' schema and "pont3" is misspelled. Right now, attempting to read the data in SqlLine will just yield the known fields in the schema (e.g. text, point, and timestamp).

To fix this, start by opening the Schema tab in the web application and then selecting 'schema_demo'

Add the two fields:

  1. name: point2, type: integer
  2. name: point3, type: integer

An alias also needs to be added for point3 to correct the pont3 field sent above. Hit Save to store these changes.

Now, when querying SqlLine, all the original data points will be present, as well as the new fields and the spelling of pont3 is transparently fixed to point3.

Next Steps

You now have all the tools to use the whole platform! You can create and manage devices, manipulate schemas, upload data and then view data in JDBC based tools.

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